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Martha Batalha, Inés Bortagaray. Release Year - 2019. . audience score - 1852 Vote. Drama. António Fonseca, Flávia Gusmão.

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I am bit fed up with the double standard that some autor-films are spoken about. The characters of the movies are 1-dimensional. Or they are infantile patriarchal men or innocent women in a victim role. I assume that that even in the 50's relationships were a bit more complex. The use of camera and music/sounddesign doesn't reach the level of an average student film. Everything was announced and explained, no subtleties, no room for contemplation. The undoubtedly talented actresses were the only point of light in these films. Unfortunately drowned in a plot that not in any moment is believable. When at the end the granddaughter is played clearly by the same actress as the main character the audience in the cinema where I was started to laugh. Couldn't more painfully indicate the state of unbelief in which this film had to be endured.


Legal, o Imperador voltou. Anakin e Darth Vader como Escolhido foram jogados no lixo junto com 6 filmes de desenvolvimento. Parabéns J.J. Abrams. Characters are not that much sympathetic and the rythm is slow, everything is on surface and we couldn't delve to the characters and storylines, mostly I think because of lack of brilliant writing and dialogues.
The only character despite the short amount of time was well written and well played was Filomena.


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